Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Back to my old self again.

 Well today is the last day of July and I still am not really prepared for Lughnasadh. It think its mostly nerves, but I still need to purchase a few items for the ritual and for the ritual bread. Not to mention the ale. So much to do so little time. Also I have gotten back into reading fanfictions and manga again. Oh how I love to read <3, especially fics about vampires. Right now my favorite manga is Vampire Knight. In the last few days I have re-read the entire series and re-watched the anime. Trust me the manga is much better than the anime, but the anime is good too. Oh I also re-established my adultfanfition.net account and my fanfiction.net account. So many things have changed on both sites but its ok....I'm back.
  As for the school stuff and the job, well they both fell thru so I am still sitting here looking for work with all kinds of time on my hands. Though I have no money and no where to go. Life is just peachy. I hate how my plans always seem to fall thru right at the end, especially about school. Thats ok though I have new plans and dreams froming as we speak. I just found out from my roomie thast Wallace State Community College has Cullinary classes. I love to cook and could bascally live in the kitchen just about anywhere. I may even be able to pay for the classes with the Pale Grant and I know I can get a student loan for Wallace State. However Wallace State is in the next city and I don't have a way of going right now, but that doesn't change that I can find the classes I want there. Plus there is always next year or the year after.
    There are all kinds of things I could do with a Cullinary degree. I could work in any kind of caffeteria or go into nutrition. Though I will definitely have to lose weight if I do the nutrition thing. Oh and thinking about food and manga makes me want Ramune, and to go to Kami Con. I was reading about it and it sounds AWESOME! There are going to be a few voice actors there that I am going to see if I can get to sign the VK gear that I plan to get either before or at the con. It excites me greatly and if I can't do it this coming year there is always next year or the year after, and when we FINALLY move to Massachusetts there is an awesome con in Boston. Great things are and will come to pass. It will just take a little while longer on some things and I can be happy just as I am.

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