Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What to do?

   Well today I went and got the audit stuff taken care of for school only to find out that I now have to write a letter of appeal to the financial aid committee. The kicker is that I only have a week to do it. However I did finally hear back from the Arc. I have a job interview with them tomorrow and I am going to do my best to get the position.
    In the end working is going to be the best decision. I knew in the beginning that I was going to have to work anyway. They probably wouldn't even get around to my appeal letter in time. I only have until August first. It had me really worried earlier today, well until the Arc called. Now I have a few choices available. One, I can write the letter (which I have mostly finished already) and pray to the Gods that It gets processed in time. Two, I can just work on getting the job. Or... Three, I can do both and see what happens. I may not get the job, but I am going to do my best to secure it. Also, my appeal letter may not make it thru the system in time and I may have to wait until next year for all this college stuff. My vote is option three.
    If I do everything in my power to get this stuff done and approved for everything I may still not get anything accomplished. It has happened to me before. I just hope that good things are headed our way. Its almost Lughnasadh and I still have to finish planning for the ritual on top of everything else. I'm tired of things not working out and us having trouble with our finances. Our car is a rolling disaster as well and there is no way that we are going to be able to afford a new one with me out of work. Dear Goddess please let everything work out for the best, even if that means me putting college on the back burner. Maybe this will be for the best since I'm still not 110 percent sure that I truly want to be a LPN. I know its a job I can enjoy and would be good at, but still I have my dream of owning my own shop or working in a small bakery again.
      If I had the choice between nursing school and cooking school I would choose cooking without batting an eyelash. I love to be in the kitchen and cooking anyway. Its always been my safe haven in my home. The place I spend the most time at, where the family altar is (and my personal will be one day), and where I am the most comfortable in my home. I have always thought of myself as learning to be a Kitchen Witch and one day I will transcend from learning to being. Its just going to take some more time. Anyway, I'm a kitchen person and maybe I should look for a career where that is where I can stay. Preferably in a bakery or small deli kind of setting.

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