Thursday, September 20, 2012

Its that time of year again

     You know fall is in the air when you wake up and only want to cuddle with your blankets or snuggle up with a warm cup of coffee. Today was one of those days and I missed most of it because I didn't want to leave my snuggly bed. And believe me it was extra snuggly. I have got to start getting up and enjoying this wonderful weather while it is still here. It will be other all to quickly as all good things are in this area. I hate living in the south and can't wait to get up north. Ah, to live up north where the air is cold most of the year. It sounds like a dream come true.
     However this is a dream that is going to take quite sometime. Daniel is going to have to find a better career, as am I. We are also going to have to get a reliable car and save up some money for the move. I hope that my land will sale and we will be able to get on our feet from that...eventually. In the mean time our roomies have gotten a wonderful vehicle and are willing to help us in getting better jobs. Lets just hope that I can find a job at all. Either way things are going to get better and I am going to make a point to enjoy all of this that I can.
     I have also been planning on working on several of the crafts that I have started. I have to work on my crocheting and the coven Wheel of the Year quilt, the restoration of my mothers jewelry box, and my grandmothers lap quilt. Not to mention the fact that I have been wanting to make a nice harvesty quilt for my bed. I also need to finish my altar and my closet. Tomorrow I am going to get the parts for my closet so it will be done soon. I just need to buckle down and do what I need to do. Its the perfect time of year for me to get these things done.
      Also tomorrow is Mabon and we are planning on celebrating but it will be late. Its always late when we celebrate, but Happy Mabon Everyone! I know we all love this time of year. Its nice all day and the nights are cool. Its the perfect time for soups, stews, and other fall dishes. And of course we are in the middle of the harvest season so apples and the like are on sale and needed for so many wonderful concoctions. Halloween and Samhain are also not far off. It always makes me excited to know that where ever I look I will see my favorite things everywhere.

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